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help finding a manhwa

jaiiekekw July 28, 2023 5:51 am

It is a BL manhwa, fully colored.

The MC’s family had a tradition where they’d marry off their daughter to a deity they worshiped that went on for generations in their family.

The time for that tradition comes and MC’s sister is initially chose as an offering until he decides to take her places, and is married to the deity in question instead.

MC and the sister are twins and both have blond hair. Either the MC or ML were life of the parties , and partied frequently. One of the first chapters was actually at a party.

The manhwa begins in the modern world.

The ML is the deity the family worshipped.

    Ward July 28, 2023 6:19 am

    The God of Pain's Groom
    (Not sure but it fits the description)

    jaiiekekw July 28, 2023 8:08 am
    The God of Pain's Groom(Not sure but it fits the description) Ward


    jaiiekekw July 28, 2023 8:09 am
    Def has to be MOB

    YEP IT IS, I’ve read it once a few years ago and lost it, it recently resurfaced into my mind as the concept. Thank you!