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Idk about law in Korea, but in my country we, as the children, is eligible to refuse the d...

Beelbell July 28, 2023 12:09 pm

Idk about law in Korea, but in my country we, as the children, is eligible to refuse the debt from our parents and if the debt collectors still harassing us, we can sue them back to the police and asked the police for protection.

I know the MC position is in hot seat, he just started gaining recognition for his acting, but that sunbae and debt collectors harassing him for money he didn't spend himself, MC should get lawyer and told his agency about his problem fr. It's better to come clean now so his agency can do some damage control and maybe do something about the debt collectors especially DC is threatening MC and I think if MC wants to fight in court he could win. And while he doing that, he can appear on some variety show/tv show told the public about his problem to get the public sympathy especially South Korean law about debt and gambling. If he act as damsel in distress I'm sure he can gain help independently without the ML's interference so he didn't have to catering on every ML's whim.

I mean this story likely will put MC in damsel and get ML to help him and MC once again in the lesser position in their relationship. Honestly realistically speaking he should get lawyer to sort his problem now
