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Okay but like, can he not just go to the bathroom every night? Why’s he doing that out i...

helvetica July 31, 2023 2:16 am

Okay but like, can he not just go to the bathroom every night? Why’s he doing that out in the open? XD

Also, I like their size difference, but then I realize the implications and now I’m really worried XD

    Fraiser December 18, 2023 1:35 pm

    Bruh! I thought the same thing! Like, bitch at least do it in the bathroom

    ymi January 8, 2024 12:02 pm

    Dw size difference is because he's not human lol legal consenting adults. He even makes sure to ask .

    helvetica January 9, 2024 4:14 am
    Dw size difference is because he's not human lol legal consenting adults. He even makes sure to ask . ymi

    lol I’m not talking about age XD just biological physical limits lol