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its okay..beautiful drawings- weak plot

zilpiy August 1, 2023 9:40 am

1) I didnt really sense any chemistry or romance between the Main couple. The drawings are beautiful- but the plot if very thin. the new emperor magically frees all the spinels with barely any opposition and the country is fine... ok and no retribution for any of the deaths caused by the royals. Also the new emperor literally frees them with the sole intention of making the main guy happy and then moves on quietly.. lol ok

2) The side couple with the cheating and abusive husband... their romance felt forced and I feel so bad for the wife. She did NOTHING wrong?? To be with someone that doesn't love you is the loneliest feeling truly. This guy got off scot-free.. kidnapping the main guy and choking his spinel lol And he still gets to enjoy his life freely..

3) The new emporer/prince and the spinel's romance seem more interesting than the main couple. but it feels like they just rebounded with each other tbh. Both lost their first loves and I guess they were attracted to each other somehow..

Overall tho, I just dont feel any emotion or depth with any of the characters. The plot is flat and not exciting- but the drawings are nice to look at. I wouldn't rate this so high- it feels like a forgettable story that someone only reads once. I am glad it was short tho- but I am tired of these comments/rating raving about a mediocre story.

To be clear I am not hating- I just want to discuss how the lack of depth in this plot seems to be ignored and praised.
