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HYPED (beware small & old spoiler at end)

Sir donewithyoshit August 2, 2023 11:49 pm

Thanks so much for the update, uploader.
How can they be so flirty the morning right afterrr no one complaining though

I'm so thankful for the slowburn way of writing [in this story] and how well it's done too.
It's given us insight on both characters and their personalities, and in a well paced way. We've also learned about their goals, their struggles, their way of dealing with their struggles, and also we get to watch them fall in love slowly and take care of each other RAHHHHH I just love domestic lovey dovey pairs I cannot geT ENOUGH
-- spoiler --
This is already lengthy but I also must say how much I loved the writing and art for Seo-an's panic attack scene. I haven't seen much media portraying anxiety well, nonetheless panic attacks so it made me feel happy and seen.
To some, it really can feel as if you're dying, and the relief after after is also mixed with heavy fatigue and loss of sudden adrenaline.

JESUS it's so freaking G O O D
