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so glad I stayed

callylipso August 4, 2023 5:02 am

I love system manhwas, so naturally I’d squeal over the fact that we’ve got a FMC but at the beginning I found her quite plain/boring. I’m glad I stuck around for her development because it turns out she’s quite relatable, and her OP-ness is progressing nicely (although the bright blue skill doesn’t really suit her character, it ended up looking really cool anyways)

I’m a sucker for pretty MLs and was disappointed that there wouldn’t be any romance between the fl and ml considering he’s a spirit HOWEVER,, CHAPTER 46 HAD ME KICKING MY FEET. THIS SATISFIED ME SO MUCH SEEING ALL THE CRUMBS OF POTENTIAL ROMANCE BETWEEN THE TWO — him caring and cooking for her in the doll’s body (/TДT)/ and the slight changes in his of wanting to kill a boss as soon as possible -> telling her she should leave without killing the boss — THE BUILDUP TO A HUG IN CHAPTER 46 AFTER BUILDING A STRONG BOND YET NEVER BEING ABLE TO TOUCH EACHOTHER AAAARGRHGH HES SUCH A GREEN FLAG

usually I despise romance in system manhwas, but they’ve done this one SO WELL by having it as a subplot. more pls
