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Chu August 4, 2023 11:19 am

Ppl’s brains are plagued. Short girl = child??

Are short ppl not allowed to be represented in fictional stories? The MC is cute, her friends are also drawn cutely. She doesn’t look like a child, she’s just a teenager. I don’t get it. This story is wholesome and sweet, and STILL ppl can find things to complain about

    atticus August 5, 2023 8:23 am

    She literally does look like a child. I understand that she isn't technically one but still.

    Chu August 5, 2023 8:38 am
    She literally does look like a child. I understand that she isn't technically one but still. atticus

    How? Bc she’s short? Does every character in a story need to look like an adult with perfect proportions for you to be happy? She’s a teenager, she looks nothing like a child to me. She doesn’t act like a little kid either. Go back through the story, her friends are drawn exactly like her. Seriously, we don’t need ppl like you tainting this sweet story and making it weird

    atticus August 7, 2023 7:10 am
    How? Bc she’s short? Does every character in a story need to look like an adult with perfect proportions for you to be happy? She’s a teenager, she looks nothing like a child to me. She doesn’t act like a... Chu

    She's small and has rounder child-like features. Calm down. No one is saying cancel the story, people just thought she looked like a child regardless of her behavior. When most people see the character they think that she's really young then they learn otherwise. Stop overcomplicating it and thinking that's a problematic thought process.

    Chu August 7, 2023 12:34 pm
    She's small and has rounder child-like features. Calm down. No one is saying cancel the story, people just thought she looked like a child regardless of her behavior. When most people see the character they thi... atticus

    I wrote my comment rationally so I think u need to stop assuming that I was upset about it. U said that she literally looked like a child and I disagree so I was simply stating my point. She doesn’t look like a child, she’s just short. Just look at how her other girl classmates are drawn. Round and soft features on all of them. Sorry if u thought I was attacking u but if u read through the comments on here, many ppl are talking about how they think she’s a child and it’s “weird” for her to be drawn like this. Basically making all types of assumptions about the undertones of this story and the artist (all of which are untrue). They are the ones overcomplicating it and I simply wrote my comment to express my annoyance over this. I thought you were part of their group. Ppl have a warped sense of what a child is at this point and I’m not surprised that it’s reached this story as well. They hold stereotypes of what they think constitutes as an child, teen and adult. It’s quite problematic actually. Ppl of all sizes exist in real life.

    atticus August 8, 2023 9:15 am

    All is forgiven