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Chapter 22.2 is bogus, you uploaded a repeat chapter of 22.1

Usako August 5, 2023 5:51 pm

Too bad the flags used to fix these things have been removed. Too bad uploader-san didn't even check before doing a bad thing (which makes them a bad uploader).

    Usako August 5, 2023 5:55 pm

    Opps, I meant it's the repeat of 21.2 (darn those halvsies). Guess that makes me a bad commenter

    jeryquil August 6, 2023 12:23 am

    i think its an auto upload by this site itself stolen from other sites. since there's no attached name next to the chapter.

    which is very annoying for multiple reasons to both the reader and other uploaders

    Usako August 6, 2023 12:50 am
    i think its an auto upload by this site itself stolen from other sites. since there's no attached name next to the chapter.which is very annoying for multiple reasons to both the reader and other uploaders jeryquil

    Doesn't seem to have stopped other uploaders from uploading those "official translations" on other stories, even when those stories are not so bad to begin with. Too bad they don't use their time on stories that have not had an upload in forever. I would totally praise those that do! (like Skip Beat - hint hint)