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There's a lot of problems with this one, but what stands out the most is that they managed...

Heartykyaa_07 August 6, 2023 4:27 pm

There's a lot of problems with this one, but what stands out the most is that they managed to make it 65+ chapters but still managed to not give it a proper ending, with berry just go about his life unpunished, with the whole "the world" bs not being explained properly, as well as the missing results of Raymond joining "the world". Like he just joined? That's it? Also Ralph. Why does he get what he wants in the end?! Also if I was Raymond i would've left Ian from the get go, like, I know the author wants to put him in a good light with the waffles and aftercare, but come on, He's so immature with the way he handles his feelings. And he only realizes his wrongs only after he did it. Also there wasn't any context on why Curtis is immortal and his past with Raymond. Then Ian and Raymond's romance felt rushed, like he was just interested, he felt jealous of curtis, Raymond think his blood is delicious then poof, they're together. Then there's alex with the anti vampires, he just sent a bomb then they're forgotten in the story. Lastly, can someone save Nova, he deserves someone better.
