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My thoughts on this

fwopfwop August 8, 2023 5:09 am

Chapter 25. ರ_ರ why do yall keep saying jae ryun is the biggest contributor to the massacre, ahn? I mean sure he did string and deceived the emperor with lipservice of love, but wouldnt the massacre happen if u didnt kill jae ryun? If yall saying this cos his death literally sent the emperor insane then sure. But why do yall keep saying like it was his fault alone?

    Irena August 8, 2023 1:39 am

    it pisses me off to they are making him extremely depressed and self-loathing, i mean he did deceive the prince but didn't hurt him or anything. For me the only thing i see wrong was how he got punished along the price just because he said he loved him at the end. Like WHAT THE HELL. The guy just died give him a break please.

    fwopfwop August 8, 2023 5:16 am

    Didnt know that if u edit ur comment the replies would be gone too. (Cant see the comment anymore huhuhu)

    Whoever you are, i know right! Really hate how they're trying to blame everything on jae ryun like he's the biggest POS there is. Now he cant even keep his boundaries cos he is brainwashed to thinking he deserved everything (if im blaming some one, im blaming the empress dowanger why is no one saying shit bout her ತ_ತ)

    fwopfwop August 8, 2023 5:17 am
    Didnt know that if u edit ur comment the replies would be gone too. (Cant see the comment anymore huhuhu) Whoever you are, i know right! Really hate how they're trying to blame everything on jae ryun like he's ... fwopfwop

    Nvm can see it now, just needed to refresh lmao

    Irena August 8, 2023 9:20 am
    Nvm can see it now, just needed to refresh lmao fwopfwop

    we're still welcoming back the comments section. Took me a while to even realize it was back

    Irena August 8, 2023 9:24 am
    Didnt know that if u edit ur comment the replies would be gone too. (Cant see the comment anymore huhuhu) Whoever you are, i know right! Really hate how they're trying to blame everything on jae ryun like he's ... fwopfwop

    that bitch better die a painful death, i mean for one if she had that much power in the court why couldn't she protect her own grandson from all the assassination attacks as we can see clearly that it all started when he was a kid.
    What can i say, i read it, it gets stupidly annoying drop it and find another. THE END

    fwopfwop August 8, 2023 9:55 am
    that bitch better die a painful death, i mean for one if she had that much power in the court why couldn't she protect her own grandson from all the assassination attacks as we can see clearly that it all start... Irena

    Still have no idea why she's so obssessed at killing the crown prince. I mean i havent catched up to the recent updates, but so far it still wasnt established, or i might have missed it. Cant wait for her brutal torture death tho. I would raise hands if she gets off in a lighter sentence when she is basically the reason why her grandson turns out psycho

    Irena August 8, 2023 12:36 pm
    Still have no idea why she's so obssessed at killing the crown prince. I mean i havent catched up to the recent updates, but so far it still wasnt established, or i might have missed it. Cant wait for her bruta... fwopfwop

    the sooner the better