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Looking for a manga I read 5 years ago on mangago, more than likely hasn’t been updated ...

Kiki August 6, 2023 10:09 pm

Looking for a manga I read 5 years ago on mangago, more than likely hasn’t been updated since. The general plot I can remember is the world has been taken over by these demon like monsters. The main character is a young boy in a secret community in hiding, they have a power of and have a sort of scorpion tale from their head/ hair and use that to fight. They’re harboring a little girl that is supposedly one of the other twin and is albino (I think) and her sister, who is in the form of a spider like monster, repeatedly kills her to stop her from taking over her reign. Their hideout is discovered and a lot of the group are killed but they continue traveling to safety and are fighting the opposing side along their journey. That was as far as I got but anything will help!
