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solid story

looni August 7, 2023 6:46 am

I appreciate that the author didn't spin this story to where the uke ends up with the new third party.

Anyways, the little brother didn't know it, but he was the push that his hyung and bf needed to clear up any misunderstandings. Also the little brother was never going to win. It was evident that the established couple only had eyes for each other. They were TOO obsessed with each other and that ironically caused the bulk of their relationship insecurity. I do not blame the uke's bf for outing the little brother either. Somebody was after his man after all, and having close access to him no less. In a way, it was all for the greater good. Who knows what would've happened if it didn't come to light and the little brother continued to pine after the uke for who knows how long? In conclusion, solid story overall. My only complaint is the lack of side stories.
