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Is anyone else tired of this weird TREND??? or like... plot point in BL manga??

eddie (he/it) August 7, 2023 9:11 am

I know I'm not the only one getting tired of dubious noncon and literal SA in BL manga. I know there's a weird culture gap but please for the love Ra, why does SA and weird relationship dynamics so prevalent??? Like why does that shit SELL so much that it's to the point that people are eating that shit up??? please I just want to see boys kiss and not see one of them fall in love with his abuser PLEASE

    Huh August 7, 2023 10:52 am

    Right??? Also sorry i think i misclicked and gave you a dislike

    Slayest of them all August 7, 2023 11:12 am

    Nah fr. That's why I stopped reading BLs and just made a whole new account. Like I still read it, but only the ones without all the abuse, sex and just something interesting.

    Idk why people are so obsessed with seeing them getting fucked over and over, especially when they're forced/groomed into it.

    BeNaughty August 7, 2023 11:41 am

    Yeah like you said, maybe a culture gap. For some reason I think authors add those scenes not even realizing that it is forceful or bad considering most times the characters are good people until it comes to the smut. I usually just ignore it and say they probably just don’t realize but sometimes it just ruins the romance vibe you know? (づ--_--)づ