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I cringe at past me

KanutsBlunt August 7, 2023 7:29 pm

Seeing my past messages and comments makes me want to barf because what was I on? I’ve matured so much from younger me that I’d hit myself with a jackhammer tbh if I went back in time. Anyways how was you’re guys days and what not? Mine has been pretty good <3

    Cruchy_rollers August 7, 2023 7:33 pm

    Omg same. Idk how I even wrote those thinking they weren’t cringy or weird at all. I also saw my personality change through the years in my past messages and comments. Ngl, I was kind of an asshole for some reason.

    shentie August 7, 2023 9:59 pm

    Oh yeah, same here. I don't know why I acted the way I did a few years back. It's the main reason I cut ties with any people I've known that weren't my close family.

    Thankfully I don't post much on social media.

    I've also heard in some lecture that your personality changes every 7 years, and I do kinda see that pattern with mine.