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Might be wrong...

senpaishyung August 8, 2023 4:30 pm

But this doesn't seem to have been written with the LGBT+ community in mind. Looks like the superficial opinion of a straight lady. The MC is very much a great example of a shitty young gay lad, blaming the world for his constant victimization, but the girl's very cringy and the character is way too idealized imo. Like the whole story feels somewhat organic to a certain extend (LGBT+ stories, as most of the world's stories come in multiple shapes and forms, some have satisfactory endings, some have unsatisfactory endings, some don't even have an ending, etc.), but it's kind of pretentious and tremendously overdramatic. It feels like it's trying to hard to make people feel sorry about the characters, and I felt like in the end the topics of bullying and the perception of what homosexuality and sexual education are, is barely explored I guess... Clearly this manga was not made for me!
