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It was bad idea to re-read it I m might be mesochist by emotions

RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ August 12, 2023 12:46 pm

I m seriously crying man seme throw away everything for uke as soon he saw his clone spend time with uke nah he didn't wanted that ,he took place of his own clone to be uke and uke accepted his faith that seme is better off without him, i think if he hadn't quit seme would have married his fiance but but boy I m cryin so hard they spend their time together uke fought for clone rights in society till his old age he wrote letter that he knew that he got the real William , sometimes these future related stuff makes me anxious about how much true all these gonna be this manga is masterpiece I wish to see more waiting for more chp cuz it marked as ongoing but it's actually the end.
