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She really needs to do sh!t. Get moving woman. you're frustrating asf. Idk what's your poi...

CallmeSick August 8, 2023 6:00 pm

She really needs to do sh!t. Get moving woman. you're frustrating asf. Idk what's your point now but we don't really care about your lovelife anymoreee So just be done with the enemy and kill them alreaddyyyy argghhhh.

Know what? I'm dropping this till she gets somewhere with all those unnecessary hesitations. For Pete's sake what's the point of hiding her stigma when the enemy's already found out? Imma fflip tableee (ノ`⌒´)ノ┫:・┻┻

    Mavikelebek August 9, 2023 1:13 am

    Unfortunately i agree with you. I had high hopes for her but... Stories like this wants me to support villains who meticulously plan everything and actually work for it while hero(!) with the power of love and plot armor win somehow

    Uttsu August 19, 2023 11:02 am

    Also, why is she hiding her stigma when she has a lot of people she can trust ? And maybe warns other that Jermal is coming for her and, as you said, that he may know that she has the stigma of time.
    It all sound pretty stupid if you think about it #-.-)