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To be honest Judith is kind of useless at this point. She should have used her power in mo...

Mavikelebek August 9, 2023 1:11 am

To be honest Judith is kind of useless at this point. She should have used her power in more wise ways. Like warning her loved ones about him and how dangerous he can be. Also he searched about stigmas intelligently while Judith who has one of the most unbelievable one , didn't do research about it enough. She should have learn more about stigmas and consider that he has one.

Also Descamps chosing to jump was kind of stupid for me. If he left his body there at least Judith and other would see that his stigma is stolen or at least they could understand he is killed by a knight not a monster. Now they will highly probably prepare a team for searching him ,and it will cost time and effort that could be used for actually investigating the murderer....

I like Judith and her romance story but i am more into female leads with strong sense of duty and logic . Her relax attitude and fell in love story while everything is getting down is kind of irritating to be honest

    Psye August 9, 2023 5:44 am

    I can understand why she didn't because she's new to all this and isn't as wise as other FML. We also have to remember what appended to the First Princess when she tried to warn her family with her prerogative stigma. Her brother lashed out and blamed her for the death of his lover and then she ended up locking herself away.

    She probably doesn't want her knowledge abused or too much to change, then she'd really be useless. But I'm with you on how slow and kinda stupid she's going about all this. She's not doing enough, and Deschamps jumping did make me faceplate. Like, it did nothing but give Germs an advantage.

    CallmeSick August 9, 2023 6:14 am

    I think Deschamp just doesn't want Jermel to know about the other stigma so he decided to just fall off but regardless he's also stupid for doing that (he's adding more work for other people to find him)

    But Judith... We know she's new to this all but common sense says that if it's new to you don't you do research? She hasn't even gone to the library even once! And I'd also like to lash out about the princess... She's smart alright, but I guess trauma just got her pretty hard but still she's useless all the way anyway. Not even a single crystal ball something² was kept safe after all the fuss.

    Ultimately, the author really made all those with stigma be "stupid" except for the enemy. How amazing is that? People with stigma at the same time are 5 in total yet 4 are stupid enough to outwit that 1 stigma holder.

    (At this point y'all need to mind me coz I'm frustrated asf)

    Mavikelebek August 9, 2023 8:43 pm
    I think Deschamp just doesn't want Jermel to know about the other stigma so he decided to just fall off but regardless he's also stupid for doing that (he's adding more work for other people to find him) But Ju... CallmeSick

    Haha exactly. Like villain who has a very passive stigma ,abused and neglected is much more passionate and cunning than our leads lol. He kind of deserves to win if we talk about efforts :-) I believe we will see him stole other 2 as well . And with the power of love and regret our female lead will defeat him :-) such a predictible plot , but hope it ends different.

    Mavikelebek August 9, 2023 8:48 pm
    I can understand why she didn't because she's new to all this and isn't as wise as other FML. We also have to remember what appended to the First Princess when she tried to warn her family with her prerogative ... Psye

    I think her case and priencess case is different. She has many people to truly trust. Even she still don't trust anyone, she could find a way to warn them. Like sending ananymous letters shouldn't be hard. Also she literally had the second chance to live, she should have search whether she will resurrect if she dies again. If i had a power to resurrect and start over i would highly probably use it again and again to find the mastermind.

    being-you September 27, 2023 8:14 am

    she is useless tbh only focused on playing lovers .. she also lacks common sense
    she knew who the main villain is but almost did nothing to atleast warn her people to be wary of Jermel shit ..

    noot noot October 14, 2023 8:12 pm

    idk why people dislike you’re right like speak ur truth!!!