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moonowls August 10, 2023 3:25 am

Okay so, if Aiden is her soulmate and, as a consequence, is able to feel when she’s in danger, that leaves us with four possible theories:

1. In their past lives, he sentenced her unaware she was his soulmate, and was unable to feel anything (even when she so close to danger) because she wasn’t the prophet yet.
2. In their past lives, he sentenced her but while it was happening he realised she was his soulmate aka the prophet (by feeling she was facing danger), but was unable to stop what was happening.
3. He didn’t sentence her and something else happened, but he was unaware she was his soulmate or she wasn’t the prophet yet and as such they weren’t a pair in their past lives.
4. He didn’t sentence her and something ele happened, but he realised she was his soulmate aka the prophet while the sentence was happening and as such he was unable to stop it.

I’m going to be very honest and confess that I’m hoping it is the fourth one because I like angst and the idea that he felt excruciating pain as soon as she was sentenced, but realised it way too late.

Another question I personally have is: In her past life, she was still part of the Willow bloodline. If she’s awakening her Willow powers now and is unaware of it, does this mean that she never awakened them in her past life? And if so, why? Are they only able to be awakened inside the Willow territory?

Anyway, excuse my ramblings, I got way too invested in this ajhdhdhdhdh
