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So what now?

Sutsot August 10, 2023 2:18 pm

So what now?

I only got sense of some parts of the story:
Lucas and Dylan are childhood friends and orphans who are then adopted by respectful fmily which causes them to drift apart then one day Dylan got into an accident, Lucas then gave half of his magic to Dylan, which causes Lucas to lose his memories and half of his magic. Dylan feeling guilty decided to ignore Lucas and find a cure until Keith put a curse on Lucas so that Dylan could focus on finding Lucas's curse and would reconcile by having sex then Lucas took a deep detour on Dylan's true feelings for him and now remembers about the accident. Dylan and Lucas went to Dylan's adoptive family and later revealed that they for a long time had been asking Lucas's family's permission for marriage but Dylan rejected this because he didn't want to burden Lucas. But then Lucas found out and Dylan confesses then both had sex and reconcile. Then Keith, who loves Dylan but knows that Dylan loves Lucas and vice versa, and is also the one who initiates them both to have sex, is actually in love with Lucas's eacher, Mr Jackson, and had been trying so hard to get his attention from the very beginning and wanted to have sex with him.

( ̄∇ ̄")

    Ashlay Tan December 9, 2023 10:59 am

    I read this for the third time can completely understand the plot, well, i'd skip some frame now and then but still im confused. Do you normal give up your life for your bro, ig you do, but that method is gay though. Damn, whatever, i think if it's longer the author will explain this adhd plot.