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Fujo-ssi August 12, 2023 5:58 am

Do y'all think prof sun Joon(gray hair) like jiheon?(yellow hair) or wooju? (Red hair). If there's Gon be love triangle in honey trouble then I hope it'd be an actual love TRIANGLE not love angle where 2 semés like 1 uke cuz it's too common and boring. Also can someone link me to the full cover cus there's this theory that prof might actually be reaching jiheon's hand and not touching wooju's face. What do y'all think?

    P0IS0N August 12, 2023 6:08 am

    im not 100% sure but I believe the professor is in love with the blondie because they knew each other in the past. so it would be a seme in love with anoda seme who's in love with da uke