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iridiscenz November 1, 2016 3:15 pm

tbh reading this fellt like a chore. itou was annoying as hell, older bro is annoying 20x like that typical confused oh-no-what-the-fuck-who-to-choose shoujo manga mc and younger bro looks stupid chasing an ass (no pun intended.) he deserves someone better like mike or that hot manager. all in all, wasn't that great. i'm into long mangas and i thought this would be a great read (for me)because they usually are but i felt that i was reading a wussy, dragged on, one-shot shoujo with flowers and shit. others will and does like this manga for sure but it's just not for me. i like all my mc's from all genres to be the type to take no shit from anyone and be honest to his/herself, which is super rare.

but hey, for those who want to read this, don't be affected by this comment. read it and see for yourself.
