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Is This Bros before Hoes?

Comadrin August 12, 2023 9:37 pm

I've never understood this trope about men sharing relationship details with their buds. "I only married her because she's pregnant." Okay, Butthead, it may have slipped past your pitiful little brain, but you just betrayed your wife. I have had disagreements and misunderstandings with my wife, but I never even told my father, mother, or sister, to say nothing of some pal. It's as though all these "high class" types the authors write about have all the couth, loyalty, and delicacy of a drug dealer living in an abandoned mobil home. I guess that the spirit behind, "Never kiss and tell" is long gone from our society these days. What's next, something like, "Hey Bro, let me show you the nude sneak pictures I took of my wife."
