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Ruby August 14, 2023 6:36 am

Damn I cried a shit ton that I got a headache and my eyes are red I had a nagging bad feeling when it was getting towards the last 10 chapters things kept getting worse i'm like where's the resolution when are we going to go back and see if he actually did murder them or if it was that blonde guy with red eyes which made it kind of obvious but then I really saw no way out for the recent murder

and then I was thinking maybe one person would be in jail for a couple of years he'll be proven innocent for the other one and the other one for self-defense best ending.

but I don't know reincarnation kind of fucks with me sometimes cause I only believe in it like 20% and It feels like it's a cop out and it doesn't feel satisfying maybe if I had more chapters with them (/TДT)/

and I feel sad for the Grandma I wonder what the MC parents thought. I wanted to delve more into what M L's situation was was he just a homeless youth got in with the weird dude that led him to where he was..

And I guess it's more Realistic in the sense of you never know what actually happens but as a story that's totally not **** satisfying I don't want to go for realistic I want to know what actually happened I never really liked true crime or unsolved cases LOL ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But I always pictured endings like this and I say I want it but then I really am not satisfied when it does so ah now I'll just go on and feel empty and sad until the supposed side stories come about hopefully soon(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    nickhyun May 24, 2024 10:43 pm

    same i love the story but the reincarnation aspect didnt work me especially since this is a more realistic and serious story.