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So, i have this online guy friend. He ask me what gender i am and i told him i'm genderles...

G€MIΠI November 2, 2016 5:05 pm

So, i have this online guy friend. He ask me what gender i am and i told him i'm genderless and can befriend with guys & girls. There was one time i told everyone my gender (girl) in a group chat that he's in so i assumed this online friend already know i'm a girl. Just now, he chatted to me about his personal life and when i give him some encouragement as a girl, he feels cheated and upset to know i'm a girl and said that i told him i'm gay when i clearly say i'm genderless.

So.. i assumed this friend of mine is gay and was hitting on me thinking i'm a guy ( ̄∇ ̄")

    LessThanThree November 2, 2016 9:01 pm

    Lmao. Online, I have a fake name I use. It's gender neutral, but is generally used for guys. A girl hit on me, and I just stayed quiet. I was like, I'll let her have her little fantasy, lol.

    I am actually agender, though. Hope everything works out with your friend.

    shurriexryuuki November 2, 2016 10:57 pm

    be honest with little things like this

    there is no secrets in the world meaning any secret u keep will be revealed

    accept ur mistake and stop feeling guilty because u were aware that there might be a misunderstanding

    ask for forgiveness and tell him u will be a better friend

    LessThanThree November 2, 2016 11:44 pm
    be honest with little things like thisthere is no secrets in the world meaning any secret u keep will be revealedaccept ur mistake and stop feeling guilty because u were aware that there might be a misunderstan... shurriexryuuki

    I'm going to have to disagree with this. It's no one's concern what a person on the internet's gender is. I fake my gender or keep it concealed on many, many websites. It's no one else's business. Also, it keeps you safer.

    revysilver November 3, 2016 2:02 am

    Yeah I agree, there are so many creeps online and the minute people know I'm female they get so weird. With most men and women its fine but there are a lot of creeps. Better to be safe than sorry.( ̄∇ ̄")

    5t3L November 3, 2016 5:04 am

    totally agreeing with everyone here. It's totally better to remain genderless or pretend to be a male online. When you're on the larger, male-driven sites and you mention that you're female, they think it's either an attempt to get something, or the misogynist and the white knights come out of the woodwork -__-

    shurriexryuuki November 3, 2016 7:08 pm
    I'm going to have to disagree with this. It's no one's concern what a person on the internet's gender is. I fake my gender or keep it concealed on many, many websites. It's no one else's business. Also, it kee... LessThanThree

    that's your personal choice to make and we are not here to talk about u

    everyone have an option to tell the truth or not and we have no right to question that choice

    it does not matter what gender u r on the net u can still get hurt

    ps u can tell a person gender from paying attention to what they say after some time

    but we are here to advice this person because she also got hurt from this

    this person is in this situation because of her choices

    I just hope that this person she wants to be friend with accept her apology and they move on

    shurriexryuuki November 3, 2016 7:14 pm
    totally agreeing with everyone here. It's totally better to remain genderless or pretend to be a male online. When you're on the larger, male-driven sites and you mention that you're female, they think it's eit... 5t3L

    I see where u r coming from but as women as well as human who have to fight for our rights I am proud to go in anywhere and say I am a woman

    because women feel intimidated by men that's y some men see no value in us

    I was watching some videos on youtube and read things where most men love a dumb bimbo and someone who need protection rather than a woman who is not afraid to stand up for herself

    its ur choice not mine but ur reply got me interested

    5t3L November 4, 2016 2:15 pm
    I see where u r coming from but as women as well as human who have to fight for our rights I am proud to go in anywhere and say I am a womanbecause women feel intimidated by men that's y some men see no value i... shurriexryuuki

    I appreciate your concerns and thinking so I'd like to explain a little more.

    I am proud of being a female, but that is not the issue here. This is specifically about the anonymity of the internet. The internet is an easy way to do things in a nameless and faceless way and often time this brings out some of the worst in people. For example, I'm a pretty active redditor, but I would not consciously reveal that I am a female on there, because I don't want to be the recipient of sexist/disgusting private messages or dick pics (trust me, this happens and has been happening from back in the AOL chatroom days lol). There are also some types of white knight guys online that think you owe them something if you kindly reply to their comments. So basically, it's simple self-preservation. I am not being ashamed of my gender and I am proud to advocate for my gender (and gender equality in general), BUT I have WAYYY too much stress in my daily life to also deal with stupidity online that I could have easily avoided :)

    btw, please don't take youtube comments seriously. They're literally some of the worst word vomit you will find on the internet.

    shurriexryuuki November 4, 2016 6:36 pm
    I appreciate your concerns and thinking so I'd like to explain a little more. I am proud of being a female, but that is not the issue here. This is specifically about the anonymity of the internet. The internet... 5t3L

    they are not comment they are surveys taken and yes there are men who prefer that kind of women

    I get where u r coming from but this girl situation is different because of feelings and trust this guy had in her is broken and she is hurt because she might loose a friend and what is in need to advise and its up to her to choose what its best for her

    I know about those types of idiots but I pretend they don't exist