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I’m done

Dezii August 16, 2023 6:04 pm


So I read the next chapter and honestly wtfc like the mc should’ve ran when he had the chance cuz ml is about to do some horrific shit.

    Melodious August 18, 2023 2:39 am

    I honestly hope the mc just gets the heck outta that house cause that first chapter and the most current chapter AINT looking too good

    Dezii August 19, 2023 3:41 am
    I honestly hope the mc just gets the heck outta that house cause that first chapter and the most current chapter AINT looking too good Melodious

    Girl spoiler warning

    But the black haired one that he’s obsessed with made him stick a huge ass trophy up his ass with no remorse… that definitely was a wake up call for mc I just hope he realizes it’s time to move on from him