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Idk...The black haired girl treated him horribly and selfishly. I only want to see her onc...

❀❀❀ Grey ❀❀❀ August 18, 2023 6:27 pm

Idk...The black haired girl treated him horribly and selfishly. I only want to see her once more (and that's already a lot of times), only for her to apologize for the DISGUSTING things she said to him. Now as for the blonde woman, come on...... She is much older and he is underage. She also reminds him of his piece of trash teacher, I kind of find it toxic. I hope nothing happens between them. A third girl would be too much, so maybe we see more of his healing journey and after a time skip perhaps he finds someone else.

    HeninaKai August 19, 2023 5:20 am

    The older woman reminds him of his male teacher (the school nurse) not the pedo one

    ❀❀❀ Grey ❀❀❀ August 20, 2023 4:27 pm
    The older woman reminds him of his male teacher (the school nurse) not the pedo one HeninaKai

    Really? My bad then, it would still be upsetting though (because of her age)

    HeninaKai August 21, 2023 12:54 am

    True but looks like she backed off pretty quickly :) from latest chap