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Lemme rant

erwane August 20, 2023 6:44 am


First of all, let me say that I am glad there was no rape or noncon in this, although I still think the bathroom scene is still dubcon.

Second of all, I cant help the immense disappointment and frustration I felt as O continued to read.
At first I was like, wow, this is nice I should def recommed it to my sister after I finish it but oh boy,..
I am not sure if the problem is in the translation but cant Shi guy tell the difference between "frustration" and "hurt"????
If someone you like (even if you are not aware you like them yet) tells you that they feel no desire to kiss you when you are practically just a few cms apart and that they only slept with tou because you are an omega, normally tou would feel HURT as a primary emotion (if that a thing), not "FrUsTaTeD" okay???

Both characters aren't really "good" people. One goes around saying hurtful things and ruining your date and the other using another guy even though he KNOWS he isn't into him, giving that poor alpha false hope.

Also I dont know if I am taking the story a little too seriously, but I can see just how miserable that Shi guy will be with thay ki whatever something guy.
I could clearly picture Shi guy giving his all to the relationship while the other just acceptinf and giving the bare minimum.
If this is a relationship is real life, there a 99,99% chance that it will end in break up even if it lasts a decade or more.

My biggest problem is that Shi guy seems CLEARLY aware thay their relationship is off but he is still easily satisfied by a kiss??? and is like Oh Well, it doesn't matter teheeლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Come on, boy, work thay brain of yours a little and save yourself from future misery.

Anyway, the beginning was good and all but it just went downhell from then on.
Would I recommed this? Not really, but if you are in dumb main characters who just keep falling despite the glaring red flags then sure fo ahead and read it. Good luck to you.
