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Anyone who wants to pick this up!?? SOMEBODY! HEAR OUR VOICE!

znukhsoc August 20, 2023 7:24 am

Anyone who wants to pick this up!?? SOMEBODY! HEAR OUR VOICE!

    VivixIV September 5, 2023 7:43 am

    Yeah it was dropped sadly, the original creator confirmed they'll no longer continue the series due to personal issues

    znukhsoc September 5, 2023 9:59 am
    Yeah it was dropped sadly, the original creator confirmed they'll no longer continue the series due to personal issues VivixIV

    OH NOES that's sad :o

    Alathriel September 23, 2023 6:10 pm
    Yeah it was dropped sadly, the original creator confirmed they'll no longer continue the series due to personal issues VivixIV

    Nnnno? It was finished. Long ago. It's authors first work. After quite some time she simply decided she doesn't like it anymore and removed it form every site that sold RAWS. They're unavailable to buy, but if you bought them before she removed the title you still have acces to them ( at least you did, the last time I checked was 2 years ago. Sadly I didn't buy the last few chapters because I didn't expect it being removed :( )

    znukhsoc September 23, 2023 7:55 pm
    Nnnno? It was finished. Long ago. It's authors first work. After quite some time she simply decided she doesn't like it anymore and removed it form every site that sold RAWS. They're unavailable to buy, but if ... Alathriel

    That's good news! Thanks for uploading it!! How many chapters do you have btw? Maybe someday someone will complete the last few chapters!

    Alathriel September 23, 2023 8:03 pm
    That's good news! Thanks for uploading it!! How many chapters do you have btw? Maybe someday someone will complete the last few chapters! znukhsoc

    As I said in this tldr explanation: 9 korean ones and 6 (5 + authors word) in russian.