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I hope that Horus’ face reveal doesn’t become the catalyst for Seth and Horus’ relat...

Claire Louise <3 August 20, 2023 10:28 pm

I hope that Horus’ face reveal doesn’t become the catalyst for Seth and Horus’ relationship suddenly progressing faster than the 100+ chapters combined.

    Heu77 August 22, 2023 5:04 am

    But it would make sense in a way. I doubt just him revealing his face will make Set fall for him right away, it’s not possible knowing the short history between him and Set. BUT Horus revealing his face will make Set more comfy, idk how to explain properly, but revealing your face will lead to some sort of trustworthiness.

    And Set remembered Horus, the little kid who he mistook for Anubis, and remembering him, Set may have felt a bit of guilt to mistaking him etc. and will sort of know why Horus is nice to him (aside from some scenes).

    Heu77 August 22, 2023 5:11 am

    I also hope Author won’t make the development between them go up. Well the author did say Season 2 is more of Horus and Set’s relationship, and Season 1 is mainly telling the plot etc. I expect some progress within 40-50 chapters though, chapter 143-45 I think is when face reveal and Set is sitting next to Horus talking about something. Then from there on, I still expect some bad blood between Horus and Set but less compared to first season.

    I expect some progress though afterwards, building up trust, friendship first (I can’t really imagine it after all this but eh it’s fiction it’ll happen eventually), then perhaps some romance progress.

    I feel like it’s not gonna finish till chapter 300 something

    Claire Louise <3 August 22, 2023 7:31 pm
    I also hope Author won’t make the development between them go up. Well the author did say Season 2 is more of Horus and Set’s relationship, and Season 1 is mainly telling the plot etc. I expect some progres... Heu77

    I was hoping that Seth would, if not outright catch feelings, at least doubt whether all he felt for Horus was hatred during the main plot in season 1. Cause I would have preferred if Seth’s feelings for Horus were developed more because of the way Horus has behaved towards him (forgiving him, healing him, defending him, etc…) rather than because he realized that Horus was the kid from the temple all those years ago.

    I would prefer Seth falling for Horus because of Horus’ intrinsic qualities prior to knowing he was that child and then, after knowing Horus was that kid, having it serve as confirmation that Horus has indeed always cared for him. Because, if most of the relationship progresses after Seth knows that Horus was that temple kid than as a result of all the things Horus did for him prior to the face reveal, it would make me believe that Seth only likes Horus because he resembles Anubis (since Seth previously confused the two of them) as opposed to falling for Horus because he is Horus and not a replacement for Anubis.

    I hope that the author uses the actions Horus did for Seth prior to the face reveal as more of the reason why Seth falls for him than his resemblance to Anubis. There’s still many more chapters to go so we’ll see.

    Idk if I’m making sense since I’m terrible explaining myself. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Heu77 August 22, 2023 8:14 pm
    I was hoping that Seth would, if not outright catch feelings, at least doubt whether all he felt for Horus was hatred during the main plot in season 1. Cause I would have preferred if Seth’s feelings for Horu... Claire Louise <3

    I mean I really doubt author would make him fall for Horus just cause of the FACE REVEAL. It would be stupid honestly in my opinion. I was just saying the face reveal does help gain some trust in a way, like I know who this person is now that they showed me their face. I’m not gonna trust them fully but somewhat.

    Thanks for your perspective and opinion! A good read. I agree with you. And I doubt the relationship would go romantic because Horus possibly resembled Anubis in his eyes, I didn’t think they looked alike, sometimes people who are far gone into the abyss (madness) will imagine a whole different person despite the differences in the visual. Hallucinations etc.

    I also doubt romantic relationship would progress because Set found Horus to resemble Anubis, because we all know Set cares for Anubis as nothing more than a father. If he were to care for Horus because he resembled Anubis in his eyes, it would be nothing more than a father relationship.

    UNLESS you’re talking about just relationship progressing in general. My bad for the misunderstanding then. But even then, I doubt the progress would be because he resembled Anubis. Probably something else.

    Horus will never be a replacement for Anubis, Anubis is there anyway. Issue is he’s in a whole different world, as in Anubis forgot the past and Set especially. It’s sad, hopefully he remembers soon.

    AND no worries, you did great explaining. I myself can’t word things properly and cause misunderstandings lol. Let me know if I got anything wrong.