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finally!! but i hope they give it to Sou-chan, i mean how dense can one be? telling that n...

i.gasai November 5, 2016 1:58 am

finally!! but i hope they give it to Sou-chan, i mean how dense can one be? telling that nasty witch everything and never even suspecting her once. tch.

    Mewmew November 5, 2016 9:05 am

    He's not telling her anything. From what i understood, she did something on his phone to make it that mails and stuff sent to souta gets forwarded to her.

    Anonymous November 5, 2016 4:35 pm
    He's not telling her anything. From what i understood, she did something on his phone to make it that mails and stuff sent to souta gets forwarded to her. @Mewmew

    Yes Souta didin't tell her anything... She stole his mail password or his previous cel phone or something like that...

    i.gasai November 5, 2016 5:30 pm

    my badd...i guess i didn't catch that.