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My life is falling apart and my only escape is yaoi manga.. I'm failing my exams.. I don'...

Heather November 5, 2016 5:00 am

My life is falling apart and my only escape is yaoi manga..
I'm failing my exams.. I don't have any real friends in college, and I feel that people really do not like me.. I'm not really comfortable with interacting with people..
I'm so stressed out because of school work. Everything keeps piling up. I don't know what to do. I feel so worthless. sometimes, I wanna just cry, but I can't. So, I just read some manga or fanfics to cheer me up.
I know some people have it harder than me, but I just feel so depressed and isolated. I want to take a leave of absence, but my parents would kill me since its just a few more weeks till the sem ends.. I don't know what to do.

    Coco_CoVerra November 5, 2016 5:23 am

    My advice to you is just take an hour break, go out for a walk sort out the easiest task first then move on to the hardest one (regarding school work), cry if you want to cry because crying is normal, I cry a lot when I get stressed out and it actually makes me feel better because you are letting out all of your emotions that has been bottled up. When youre at school you should try and talk to people because if you dont school will get so much harder when you have no one, it sucks to go to school and have no one to hanh with or talk to so just try and spread your wings, it will be scary at first and you'll want to back away but jusy do it little by little and you'll notice the changes. Try and be positive too, sounds easy enough but in truth its not easy to try and be positive, when youre having a big week and youre all stressed out plan something for yhe weekend like go for a walk, ride a bike, have a long warm bath so that you can look forward to it. And if everything just gets too much for you, tell someone (your parents, a teacher, a councillor) exactly how youre feeling because the worst thing you could do is keeping everything bottled up inside.
    Im not saying this thinking Im an expert at councilling people, Im saying this because Ive gone through what you have, I have anxiety and depression but Ive learned to deal with it because I have my bestfriend that will always be there for me and my parents who support me no matter what. I hope what Ive posted help you in someways much love

    Anonymous November 5, 2016 5:28 am

    If you are that stressed out and depressed, then a) see a health professional and b) think about taking a semester off to gather your strength and restore your health. Depression is deadly, I know, because two of my classmates went through hell, one took her own life, the other dropped out of society and did not leave her home for almost four years and never finished her education. A a third ended up with severe health issues because she just kept going despite her depression.

    Cytus November 5, 2016 5:34 am

    Oh my god, right with you. I have a midterm on Monday and I'm super behind! I probably should be studying but I'm so fed up with it and yaoi just makes things better for me.
    I, too, suck at making friends. They say college is when you'll have the most fun but everything just fucking sucks.

    Heather November 5, 2016 6:38 am
    My advice to you is just take an hour break, go out for a walk sort out the easiest task first then move on to the hardest one (regarding school work), cry if you want to cry because crying is normal, I cry a l... Coco_CoVerra

    Thank you! I really appreciate it. Now that I think about it.. It has been a really long time since I have just calmed down honestly. I couldn't concentrate at all these days and it has been taking a toll on well... everything.. Sometimes, I think I have anxiety issues honestly.. I just feel so anxious all the time that I can't even concentrate on the things that I 'm actually doing.. I should just take a walk around to really just calm myself down and feel some peace even just for a little while..
    I really do try to talk to people.. but its just so hard to connect with them, you know? Sometimes, I feel that everyone is just too.. fake around each other.. and it makes me question my friendship with them. Another thing is that sometimes, people are already so close with other people that its hard to actually be part of their group that it makes me just back off.. :( But I should try some more.. maybe I can do it.. hopefully..

    Heather November 5, 2016 6:55 am
    If you are that stressed out and depressed, then a) see a health professional and b) think about taking a semester off to gather your strength and restore your health. Depression is deadly, I know, because two ... @Anonymous

    I really want to take a semester off. even if it is next semester, but I don't think my parents would approve of it.. :( I study in a prestigious school in my country and me leaving for a sem would cause people to talk..
    I want to go to a professional to deal with my depression and anxiety, but my parents don't believe in those kinds of things.. and would just say that I am making things up and tell me to stop whining all the time..
    My friend was in the same situation as I am and she almost died from a suicide attempt.. she left school for a semester, and shes doing better than she was before..
    I guess I should visit my college's guidance counselor, maybe It can help.. I hope it can help..

    Heather November 5, 2016 7:02 am
    Oh my god, right with you. I have a midterm on Monday and I'm super behind! I probably should be studying but I'm so fed up with it and yaoi just makes things better for me. I, too, suck at making friends. They... Cytus

    I missed an exam for a class that I was already failing.. My projects are all not done yet.. but me too.. I'm just so done with everything...
    but I guess we should really start to get serious, you know?
    Making real friends in college is hard because everyone is fleeting..