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Big Spoiler Aheaaad!

Rha-chan August 22, 2023 5:36 am

Not sure if I still remember it correctly since I've read this long ago..

- While on the way to the airport, Lian Jue and his assistant will talk about what happened during the night.. his assistant assumed that they celebrated Shen's birthday.. then Jue finally realized Shen's actions then texted him a birthday message
- When Jue is already on plane, the stewardess informed him that his assistant needs to speak to him since there is an accident
- While they were on their way to the hospital, Jue is not himself and the saw Shen in coma.
- Shen is not waking up after days then Jue spoke to the hospital doctor about his condition then when he got back to the room Shen is missing
- Shen actually went to back to his original world

but don't worry they still got back together after a day or two i think.. but that scene is really heart warming..

Just to add on this one, Shen will tell Jue and TongTong that he is from a different world/planet.. Tongs reaction is of a normal kid asking if Shen is an alien while Jue thinks that there's just something wrong with Shen which is probably due to the accident .

Btw, Shen gave birth to an Alpha Female thus causing confusion in the hospital since it looks like a girl but has a p*nis so there's a bit of concern on the birth certificate. Jue just decided that they can think about it again when the child becomes an adult. I forgot if they put a girl or boy.
