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ZOYA August 22, 2023 11:19 am

since assassination classroom, i dont remember crying sm to the point that im freaking howling.

can't count the times i screamed at my phone telling zhishu to GET TF UP & LEAVE after all the bs wenxu has done. the cheating alone takes the cake but to further inflict physical & emotional pain makes u the biggest asshole. u deserve to repent & regret every waking day of ur life. it made me quite sad & angry that his last dying thought was still of that mf while he's in the arms of a man who loves him greatly.

to that man, dr. ai, u r an angel. ty for loving zhishu unconditionally. u r one of the few good things to appear in his life & i truly wish u the best.

and, zhishu bb, the world doesn't deserve u.
imagine turning ur back on ur family & ditching all ur dreams, just to get cheated on while going thru leukemia alone :(((( now, i'm just at peace knowing ur not suffering anymore & u could frolic w all the jasmine flowers up there.

i will just comfort myself into thinking that in another life, dr. ai & zhishu are living happily w their dog & cats, visiting the 100 places he wants to go to, and growing old tgt.
