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Looking for a BL

CTHunter August 23, 2023 4:52 pm

It's been awhile since I last read it, but it was about this shy uke who gets into a relationship with his 'superior' I think??? They worked at an office. I don't know remember what the seme's motive was but he lied about liking the uke which caused the uke to stop talking to him. The seme ended up realizing that he was in love with the uke, but the uke avoided him. I don't remember their character descriptions but I remember one scene where the seme looked hella sick bc he was depressed. Sorry for this crappy description. TIA.

    CTHunter August 23, 2023 5:27 pm
    YAOI__GIRL August 23, 2023 5:34 pm
    Yay I found it in case you wanted to read CTHunter

    Why is everyone looking for this one?? I've seen this question asked in different ways for this same manga

    CTHunter August 23, 2023 5:45 pm
    Why is everyone looking for this one?? I've seen this question asked in different ways for this same manga YAOI__GIRL

    LMFAO idek why I asked for it when I remember I hated it

    YAOI__GIRL August 23, 2023 6:01 pm
    LMFAO idek why I asked for it when I remember I hated it CTHunter

    I hate it too, but I like rereading it It's a curse lmao

    YAOI__GIRL August 23, 2023 6:01 pm
    I hate it too, but I like rereading it It's a curse lmao YAOI__GIRL

    I'm actually gonna reread it rn lol

    CTHunter August 24, 2023 5:48 pm
    I'm actually gonna reread it rn lol YAOI__GIRL

    me too lol

    CTHunter August 24, 2023 5:53 pm
    I'm actually gonna reread it rn lol YAOI__GIRL

    idk why but rereading it this time is more painful itโ€™s like its gotten worse LMFAO

    YAOI__GIRL August 24, 2023 10:49 pm
    idk why but rereading it this time is more painful itโ€™s like its gotten worse LMFAO CTHunter

    Omg, right