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Unpopular opinion

Bleurgh August 23, 2023 7:30 pm

Hmmm I see a lot of comments saying the relationship or the seme isn't toxic just insecure or anxious, and um I would like to disagree. The semes behavior is textbook manipulation and abusive doesn't matter if the uke is "okay" with it or not, abuse is abuse plain and simple, it's sorta like a bdsm situation where a person likes getting slapped around, but the supposed Dom just slaps the person around when their angry and doesn't use safe words or even does aftercare, that's just violence.

I am glad the uke can separate himself from others and can tell that people are assuming him to be a saint by being with the seme when he simply just loves him and nothing more, assuming anothers relationship and inserting yourself painting someone to be a victim is harmful and frankly none of people's business.

What I don't like is that the semes behavior is full of red flags and if a person hears that someone is controlling them to that extent of course people are are going to be concerned, instead of assuming they are being a victim, I would have said "hey if you don't feel like you are in danger and you are with him cuz you love him and WANT to be with him and not because you feel you Need to be with him because of love, I support you and won't bring it up again, his behavior is super sketchy so I just want to make sure if I am worrying needlessy, and if anything changes or you feel in danger then I will help, if not then I am happy you are in a good relationship" that's it.

Now the obvious signs of abuse andnit just pure insecurity or anxiousnes 1. Telling someone you will die or commit suicide if they don't do something, you are threatening someone with your own life to get then to do do what you want whether you really plan to kill your self or not that is a threat. The uke may think of it as nagging, and he may be in with it that's cool, but let's not make it something it's not cuz the other person doesn't take it seriously. 2. Telling someone to quit there job because you feel insecure, again you are controlling this persons financial well-being a is something they love because of your own insecurity that is abuse, sure the uke didn't quite you may think it's all of a sudden not abuse, but the fact that the seme said it at all and meant it is the problem.

I am happy the uke did not continue looking over his behavior and decided what he wanted to do, and I am glad the seme changed his toxic behavior for the betterment of their relationship, because it was slowly becoming a problem (with him telling the uke to quit and break up) I am not saying they should break up, what I am saying is that the relationship was toxic no matter the context, relationships are complicated that true, and each relationship may be abusive or toxic in different ways just because it's different doesn't mean it's any less toxic or problematic
