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Okay, as an Italian girl I can confirm that this manga is very italian like; all the names...

Francytnt August 23, 2023 10:29 pm

Okay, as an Italian girl I can confirm that this manga is very italian like; all the names used are nicknames coming from long names that are being cut. I've never called a friend by their full name unless I was mad at them... so Ale is for Alessia, Diego remains Diego since it's quite short, Simo is for Simone and Lollo (cited at the end of the chapter) is for Lorenzo. Cucca's real name is Veronica (which is generally shortened as Vero).
In this chapter I found a bit of italian slang which, of course, has not been translated well. I'm not accusing the translator of course. For example, at the end of the chapter, when Ale and Simo come back, Cucca thinks: "[... ] the lemonade of the last half hour." This doesn't make any sense unless you are an italian reader: we use the words "limonata" (lemonade) and "limone" (lemon) to say making out, kissing with the tongue. Another word used is decerebrated (lit. decerebrato) which means retarded. Of course it is used as an offense in most cases. There were some more expressions I noticed but I don't remember them at the moment.
Basically I can say that this manga quite depicts the average Italian teenager, from the way of speaking to the way of dressing (Convers or Air Force shoes for example), although I cringed at times since I'm not used to reading Italian manga with characters with Italian names that do Italian things...
The drawing style is very neat and cute, I like it.
If while reading this you have any question or troubles understanding something, feel free to message me, I'll try to answer!
