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i come from a mother who had me in her 30's and i honestly dont see the rave of shortening...

zinsilly August 24, 2023 7:38 am

i come from a mother who had me in her 30's and i honestly dont see the rave of shortening your youth so early to have a child along with being inexperienced most likely bcs you decided to have a child in your 20's or under. The 20's are the perfect time to experience the most vibrant parts of life, recognize what it is u want and financially advance urself in order to get a better grasp of fulfilling the wants and achievements u set for urself. I always find that the most miserable bitches are people who are bitter they didn't get to maintain their inner child and lost all enjoyment in life attaching their resentment onto the relationships around them. Disrespecting a women's choice to not have kids or have them later when they're settled into their relationship properly knowing well they wont have a kid just to make them suffer through some immature unresolved mental state of the person/people that's supposed to take care of them is quite ignorant
