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This reminds me of my twenties

Meru21 November 13, 2023 8:00 am

its not unrealistic at all for a gay man or girl to fall for one of the opposite sex. It happens more often than you think. My best friend is gay and he's tried to go out with me before. In fact, he tried to kiss me and pin me down one night when we were in our twenties! I kept telling him that he's gay and it's not gonna happen because I don't see him that way, but he tried for a bit before he gave up. But he would always call me out of the blue to meet up with him and when I did, he would introduce me as his girlfriend without warning or premise! Of course I went along with it, because 1) I'm not going to out him or embarrassed him like that, 2) I'm sure he had a good reason, and 3) it was hella fun and hilarious whenever it happened. We're still best friends and have even lived together off and on for the past 10 years since, but he's never dated another girl in his adult life. He claims I'm "the only girl for him" even though we both know he likes men. He probably could go for other girls, but he really doesn't want to. We even have a pact to marry each other by the time were 40 if neither of us are married. My fiance better get a move on because we're in our 30s and times a-ticking! Lol Can't blame him, though,about other women. I'm not attracted to women at all, but I've kissed my fair share. Well, I've been kissed by my fair share, i should say. But girls dont stick around for long because i act more like a guy--or so I've been told. Kinda disheartening really, because I've always wanted good girl friends...anyway. They're called soul mates and not gender mates for a reason.

    kko November 13, 2023 3:37 am

    bro I think ur a victim.....

    Soyborne May 16, 2024 5:10 pm

    have you ever heard of bisexuality?

    Soyborne May 16, 2024 5:23 pm

    Bisexual people can have preferences, many prefer one gender over the other. Sexuality is fluid, judging from what you've said he has a preference for men but he does/did like you. Can we please stop pretending like bisexual people dont exist. I might have mostly had crushes on men, but it doesnt mean I'm gay, I'm bisexual. I'm not gonna tell other people how to identify their sexuality, but maybe people should stop calling their attraction an exception and admit that sexuality isnt as binary as they think it is. I'm getting really sick of these labels ngl

    Meru21 May 16, 2024 8:16 pm
    Bisexual people can have preferences, many prefer one gender over the other. Sexuality is fluid, judging from what you've said he has a preference for men but he does/did like you. Can we please stop pretending... Soyborne

    Hes not bisexual. He has a religion that doesn't accept homosexuality so he tried really hard when we were younger to fight it. Obviously, I was for him just being openly gay, but he struggled for a very long time accepting himself and his religion. He has a balance now

    Soyborne May 17, 2024 6:12 am
    Hes not bisexual. He has a religion that doesn't accept homosexuality so he tried really hard when we were younger to fight it. Obviously, I was for him just being openly gay, but he struggled for a very long t... Meru21

    I didnt call him bisexual, I dont know him. I dont have all of the information about him. From your Initial comment, you made It seem that he was actually in love with you, that was my Problem. If he says that you're the only woman for him because he wants to try to be straight, thats another story. But you didnt say that in the beginning, I only responded to the information that you gave me.

    Meru21 May 17, 2024 6:46 am
    I didnt call him bisexual, I dont know him. I dont have all of the information about him. From your Initial comment, you made It seem that he was actually in love with you, that was my Problem. If he says that ... Soyborne

    I'm not trying g to be offensive by any means, but I do want to point out that I said in my third sentence that he is gay. I then reiterated it later. If that confused you, I'm sorry for that. But he IS homosexual, no ifs ands or buts about it. Can he date women? Yes, but only if forced and because of familial and religious pressure, he did for a while. Thankfully, he was able to overcome that and be happy with himself and his preferences.

    Soyborne May 17, 2024 8:32 am
    I'm not trying g to be offensive by any means, but I do want to point out that I said in my third sentence that he is gay. I then reiterated it later. If that confused you, I'm sorry for that. But he IS homosex... Meru21

    "its not unrealistic at all for a gay man or girl to fall for one of the opposite sex" That was the first sentence you said.
    Not once did you initially say It was forced. If it was forced, he never Fell in love with you, je just likes you as a friend. I already understand what you mean, since you clarified. Compulsive Heterosexuality is not the same as Falling in love with the opposite sex. People who try to, do it because they feel pressured to, maybe you could have made that more clear in the beginning. I dont think you were being offensive, but the first sentence did rub me the wrong way. You werent wrong at all.