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i kind of wanna cosplay phos's god form. I'm wondering if i should reread but i'm afraid o...

zinsilly August 25, 2023 2:44 am

i kind of wanna cosplay phos's god form. I'm wondering if i should reread but i'm afraid of the pain. I remember feeling distressed with what phos had become since i binged it all at first when the 12th volume ended in phos choosing to do what they did. I was so pained it felt like my heart was retracting from inside of my chest. I was crying forphos. i didn't want them to be anything but happy and i found myself so tight even with ascension. Now I've read the latest ch and i'm elated that phos is telling the rock they're story. I think the time between uploads made me come to terms with it better. As adamant elder brother had said planets and stars terraform just as beings change. Phos was afraid of change after seeing what it took from them, but now they are reminiscent to a god and can realize what change can give to other lifeforms even at risk of ruining them. I hope phos doesn't do want adamant did as a creator rather than stopping the cycle creation. Phos is just so elegant, kind and just a serene being i rlly wanna see them in real life or become them (≧∀≦)
