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Not that bad..

Vampval74 August 25, 2023 3:59 am

You guys are going on about this being, rapey? Are you failing to acknowledge that the uke was the first one to force themselves on the seme? He basically raped him first, because the seme was saying "no". This is a fictional work of art. If you are so troubled by it; then move on. This trope is VERY common in YAOI; "which is considered "pervers" by many; maybe you shouldn't be reading it. I think that the art and story line are, on point. Yes, it may be an"old school" and out of way of thinking, but there are a lot of places in modern society, that still operate like that....

    Vampval74 August 26, 2023 4:10 am

    Thank you! I was thinking the same thing. And I also enjoyed the story very much. It was very original and the uke got a happy ending.

    toilet terrorist September 4, 2023 12:39 pm

    Uh yeah, the kid is included in the rapey part, all in all this is shit

    Zolibum September 16, 2023 9:23 pm

    Woah? So because this type of behaviour is still expected in certain places that makes this ok? Do you guys understand that the more you tolerate this the more it gives people the confidence do this shit in real life? Like rape is rape, pedophilia is pedophilia. Why should we ignore that because it’s a popular trope within the yoai community? Please that’s just gross and so is this “story”

    toilet terrorist September 16, 2023 9:27 pm
    Woah? So because this type of behaviour is still expected in certain places that makes this ok? Do you guys understand that the more you tolerate this the more it gives people the confidence do this shit in rea... Zolibum

    toilet terrorist September 16, 2023 9:28 pm

    "but there are a lot of places in modern society, that still operate like that...." Defending it, goodbye pedophile apologist