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Just curious + it’s been awhile since i’ve read this

mymy August 25, 2023 9:02 am

i’ve been seeing people argue over how DH “deserves” to get raped because he has raped Suha, but did he ever really rape Suha? (pls don’t come at me i just wanna know x-x)

    dr43 August 25, 2023 10:42 am

    He forced Suha to have s*x with him on places he didn't want, then leave him alone after he's done and forced him to do things he didn't want like org**s. When Suha told him he didn't want to do those things, Doohyuk uses Suha's feelings on him by threatening to leave him.

    dr43 August 25, 2023 11:03 am

    ...but yeah he didn't deserve to get raped, not everyone

    Mikusama August 25, 2023 5:54 pm

    He also gave Suha (when he was just a teenage boy) to that same "friend" who did the same stuff to Suha.