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Still Some Decent Alphas Out There!!! =)

ToughCookie-chan November 6, 2016 11:44 am

I'd just like to say that I am so proud of how Kudou reacted when Aoi went into heat. We've all read enough of these to know that practically no omega has escaped unharmed (I mean, come on let's not sugar coat it....they're raped!!) by an alpha when they go into heat. It's really sad, and I sometimes wanna stop reading because of it. So to know that there are decent Alphas out there who care for their Omega friends enough to snap out of their sex-craved, controlling, pheromone powers just makes me so damn happy!! I mean, you can clearly see that it obviously wasn't easy for him. At first, Kudou was about to lose control and rape Aoi, but when he realized how much Aoi loves Jirou and vice versa, he knew he would be hurting not only Aoi but Jirou too. So, in order not to hurt the two people who are important to him and cares dearly for, he comes back to his senses, takes Aoi somewhere safe, and protects him from other out-of-control alphas around. I mean, WOW!!!! He deserves a round of applause!!! I was so impressed by his actions that I cried out in joy!! Kudou, you have earned my approval to be with Miyauchi. And Miyauchi, you have found yourself a very great partner indeed! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Shinkyuu November 6, 2016 11:40 am

    This is such a great comment.. I want it to stay on top of the comment list.. haha.. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    ToughCookie-chan January 12, 2017 7:44 pm
    This is such a great comment.. I want it to stay on top of the comment list.. haha.. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ Shinkyuu

    Thank You! First of all, I'm sorry for my very late reply. I at least wanted to show you my gratitude towards your comment. Second, I honestly just wrote what I felt at the time I read it, and I didn't know I would get so much "likes" afterwards. I would have been content if just 1 person agreed on my opinion, so thanks everyone who liked it! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~