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wtf? Seriously? That's how it's going to end? OMG sooooo disappointing :'C There were stil...

shadow January 20, 2013 8:14 am

wtf? Seriously? That's how it's going to end? OMG sooooo disappointing :'C There were still so many unanswered questions!! Like who was hades under that mask? What happened to Kouhei? &^$#%$*&(&$)$^# TT TT

    Lenne_one May 15, 2013 6:47 pm

    And don't forget about the pilot, he said that they had to leave the island as soon as possible of it would've be impossible to leave, how did he know that? o.0

    Minnie March 13, 2017 9:52 am
    And don't forget about the pilot, he said that they had to leave the island as soon as possible of it would've be impossible to leave, how did he know that? o.0 @Lenne_one

    Omo your right wtf??Still so many unanswered questions