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i will never emotionally recover from this

gizmo August 27, 2023 11:08 am

i will never emotionally recover from this

    chopstickfight September 4, 2023 10:12 am

    Hate to break this to you (and everyone else) but there are no truer words than this it's been 3 years since I've read this and it still makes my heart ache and my eyes sore

    BBCO September 5, 2023 1:27 pm
    Hate to break this to you (and everyone else) but there are no truer words than this it's been 3 years since I've read this and it still makes my heart ache and my eyes sore chopstickfight

    ngl... been 5 years. I visited again for garden of light and angle eyes artworks. But went horribly by listening to mr.loverman. Shit i was crying, sobbing, in denial and grief. my eye so sore rn...
    too painful and beautiful... brb imma gonna cry again

    chopstickfight September 5, 2023 1:44 pm
    ngl... been 5 years. I visited again for garden of light and angle eyes artworks. But went horribly by listening to mr.loverman. Shit i was crying, sobbing, in denial and grief. my eye so sore rn... too painful... BBCO

    Yeah, I came across this rough animation of the pair dancing to the song 'Just the two of us' and I started bawling that damn animation (you can google it) really knows how to rip open old wounds

    gizmo September 5, 2023 2:19 pm
    Hate to break this to you (and everyone else) but there are no truer words than this it's been 3 years since I've read this and it still makes my heart ache and my eyes sore chopstickfight

    dude exactly. i got spoiled for ash’s death, but i chose to read this nonetheless and dude.. i have never cried over a fictional character so bad. I was SOBBING . they wrote him so wel because i was so devastated, not to mention eiji growing up and meeting up with song. i read literally knew ash for like less than 6 hours yet i literally cried so badly for him. STILL LOVE BANANA FISH THO

    gizmo September 5, 2023 2:20 pm
    Hate to break this to you (and everyone else) but there are no truer words than this it's been 3 years since I've read this and it still makes my heart ache and my eyes sore chopstickfight

    i literally knew*** sorry my brain got dumb bc i’m got sad again thinking abt ash

    chopstickfight September 5, 2023 2:47 pm
    dude exactly. i got spoiled for ash’s death, but i chose to read this nonetheless and dude.. i have never cried over a fictional character so bad. I was SOBBING . they wrote him so wel because i was so devast... gizmo

    The author really knew how to make us fall in love with a character only to knock us down right when we're at our highest most beautiful point

    BBCO September 5, 2023 2:53 pm
    Yeah, I came across this rough animation of the pair dancing to the song 'Just the two of us' and I started bawling that damn animation (you can google it) really knows how to rip open old wounds chopstickfight