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tbh I don't get the hype

altan August 29, 2023 4:13 am

I read this a while ago when it was at like chapter 70 and I wasn't able to catch up cause it never really clicked with me. came back cause of all the hype and I still don't get it? it starts off okay but once it gets a bit farther in I feel like it gets very bland and then the story falls apart when they get to be adults. maybe it's cause im not the biggest fan of the art style (dont get me wrong the author is talented the style just didn't click for me) but idk I just dont get why it's *so* popular

    Yaoi Queenbee September 4, 2023 8:45 pm

    I agree completely like in the beginning the story line was good but then i feel like after they got together it basically became a slice of life

    Fujoshi September 18, 2023 4:11 pm

    Mmmmm I don't know about the others but for me I guess it's just nice to see their development as a couple over the years as they get older. And compared to most Bl that I have read this one seems to have a lot of good green flags throughout the relationship. The story is a bit bland though if you aren't into that slice of life stuff tho lol