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I don't like the male lead.. he is incredibly rude and proud...the female lead just save y...

Newyork Cheesecake August 29, 2023 10:35 pm

I don't like the male lead.. he is incredibly rude and proud...the female lead just save your life and your brother and practically gave them a convenient life but not once did he try to be nice to her...

    ReesaPeesa September 1, 2023 5:38 am

    He’s a traumatized kid, branded by a psycho, forced into slavery and watched his brother almost die. Give it time, he’ll come around (⌒▽⌒)

    Lexi September 13, 2023 1:43 pm
    He’s a traumatized kid, branded by a psycho, forced into slavery and watched his brother almost die. Give it time, he’ll come around (⌒▽⌒) ReesaPeesa

    Right. I feel like people are prematurely judging the (child) ML's before they become adults like ofc there has to be character and emotional development.

    Layla November 30, 2023 4:15 am

    I 100% agree with you. We excuse males from a young age for their abhorrent behaviour & it gets normalised into their adulthood. And while this ml might've had his own circumstances, I think gratitude towards the person who plead on his brother's behalf for rescue & also healing after was not too much to ask from one human to another.

    I can even understand mistrust & aggression from this "so called ML" that everyone applauds. What I cannot understand is his ranky, rabble-oriented rudeness when the mc healed & saved his brother!!! You don't have to trust someone or even like them. In fact he can hate her & the whole world! But he must thank her. Because this girl Saintess just saved the most precious thing in the world to you--his brother!!! And if I was in his place, I would willingly do anything to pay back someone who has saved my precious family!!!

    I bet my ass that if a young female child had done thus, everyone would've called her for her behaviour.

    There is no singular point in life when you can start behaving well. But somehow males get excuses for all their lives. And we see that as par the norm for MLs in these kind of mangas...

    --they are always black haired
    --they always have superiority complex
    --they suffered so much in life that the situation is used to excuse their bad behaviour & attitude
    --too proud to say "thank you" & "sorry" because their pride is just so much more important than anything else, even their family's life
    --the female mc has to run after them for affection
    --these MLs are just so righteous & suffering kinds that they wait for the FL/MC to save them

    Nobody should be burdened with making someone happy forever. We should just these kind of MLs go live their lives somewhere else where there Amel & her dad doesn't live! (● ̄(エ) ̄●)