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Hate the first couple. I detest it when there's one character who treats the other like cr...

Yumi! August 29, 2023 6:56 pm

Hate the first couple. I detest it when there's one character who treats the other like crap but bc he has 'trust issues' everything they do is forgiven. Not to mention the other dude is STILL clinging onto him. Like idfk it's pathetic.
Second couple was cute tho <3

    Chibi October 5, 2023 11:40 am

    Yup, it made me upset to see that too

    Weheh October 10, 2023 1:50 am

    Dude.. I can't believe you people are actually blaming a victim of pedophilia, someone who got GROOMED and preyed on at a young age, and calling it "trust issues." Bffr. His mom was mentally abusive, almost physically so if the Uke didn't comply to her wishes, and that left him vulnerable to being targeted on by a monster. The audacity some of you have is insane. Maybe learn some human emotions?

    Yumi! October 10, 2023 2:00 am
    Dude.. I can't believe you people are actually blaming a victim of pedophilia, someone who got GROOMED and preyed on at a young age, and calling it "trust issues." Bffr. His mom was mentally abusive, almost phy... Weheh

    Lol chill justice warrior, trauma, trust issues, tit for tat. Doesn't give people the right to treat others like crap. We all have our problems, some of us worse than others, but that NEVER gives someone the right. Maybe learn to read?

    Yumi! October 10, 2023 2:01 am
    Dude.. I can't believe you people are actually blaming a victim of pedophilia, someone who got GROOMED and preyed on at a young age, and calling it "trust issues." Bffr. His mom was mentally abusive, almost phy... Weheh

    Like idk where I said I blame him. Am I missing part of my comment? Did someone add something to it? Just saying you don't get to treat someone like crap and blame it on your issues.

    Eating January 30, 2024 12:20 pm
    Lol chill justice warrior, trauma, trust issues, tit for tat. Doesn't give people the right to treat others like crap. We all have our problems, some of us worse than others, but that NEVER gives someone the ri... Yumi!

    Yumi I support you! Just because a person had trauma doesn’t mean it’s a good excuse to hurt others