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miyabi123456789 November 8, 2016 12:06 am

is there any medical student in this websites that suffers from not able to read manga? can you explain how does it feel and how do you restrain from reading it?
i am still in high school almost graduating and going into pre-pharmacy. i read manga everyday and i am trying to restrain from it but i am having hard time. i know going into pharmacy is tough and i really want to be one so once i become one i could go to japan as a reward. so please tell me any stories that include this kind of problem. i want to read less manga sadly.

    Anonymous November 8, 2016 12:19 am

    Is this a troll? Try taking a English class or two before you go into pharmacy. You have to know how to read the labels from left to right.

    Dude, it's simple.

    Don't read it, read a actual book and maybe you'll get somewhere. For example, maybe you could go to your local library and check out a couple of books for your enjoying.

    I have bad news for you if you can't enjoy something other than a Japanese picture book.

    Anonymous November 8, 2016 12:20 am

    Is this a troll? Try taking a English class or two before you go into pharmacy. You have to know how to read the labels from left to right.

    Dude, it's simple.

    Don't read it, read a actual book and maybe you'll get somewhere. For example, maybe you could go to your local library and check out a couple of books for your enjoyment.

    I have bad news for you if you can't enjoy something other than a Japanese picture book.

    (Scuse' the typos).

    LessThanThree November 8, 2016 12:30 am

    I think I know what you mean. I'm in college, and it's definitely hard to put down my things and get to work. You have to remind yourself of the consequences of shirking off. If you spend your time reading manga, you're not working, and you might fail. Then you can say goodbye to being a doctor. I'm a hypocrite, seeing as I have an essay due Friday yet here I am, but I'll force myself to get started tomorrow. Don't be like me. Don't procrastinate. You need to do the work. My motivation is my parents. My mom's working an extra year at a job she doesn't like, and they were so happy I got a scholarship, and have been so worried and working so hard so that I can have a good education. I don't want to make my mom cry anymore. If "I want to be a pharmacist" isn't enough motivation, then do the opposite, like I do: think of the worst possible case scenario.

    miyabi123456789 November 8, 2016 12:52 am
    I think I know what you mean. I'm in college, and it's definitely hard to put down my things and get to work. You have to remind yourself of the consequences of shirking off. If you spend your time reading mang... LessThanThree

    wow... thanks, that really helped me a lot
    i like how you think because my parents are in similar situations to yours.

    LessThanThree November 8, 2016 12:57 am
    wow... thanks, that really helped me a loti like how you think because my parents are in similar situations to yours. REALLY, THANK YOU miyabi123456789

    No problem. Hope everything works out for you.

    :D November 8, 2016 5:21 am

    How about just thinking of it as a passion. I think that's the most positive way around it.

    Internethuman November 8, 2016 7:22 am

    ...What's with the edgy anon at the top.... >_>
    He or she pretty much told you
    "wanna procaustinate less? Read another source of entertainment and procaustinate more!"

    Anonymous November 8, 2016 11:50 am
    ...What's with the edgy anon at the top.... >_> He or she pretty much told you "wanna procaustinate less? Read another source of entertainment and procaustinate more!" @Internethuman

    You call me edgy yet....'Internethuman'.....'procaustinate'...

    Anonymous November 8, 2016 11:56 am
    ...What's with the edgy anon at the top.... >_> He or she pretty much told you "wanna procaustinate less? Read another source of entertainment and procaustinate more!" @Internethuman

    FYI, I was saying that because they had horrible grammar. I don't know if it's because it was typed quickly or not, I was calling their situation a lie. I would think a highschooler would be more educated.

    Read a real book, that'll take you places. A comic, probably not so much. He/she is going into pharmacy-maybe-, and I'm just not confident that they'll make it with that kind of odd, seemingly made up, situation.

    She or he basically said she wanted to be a pharmacist so they could go to Japan...?
    Weeb at it's finest.