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Is this gaslighting?? Oh god that is so subtle, but I feel so bad for wonwoo. It was a fit...

Yo! Wha'ts up? September 1, 2023 12:31 pm

Is this gaslighting?? Oh god that is so subtle, but I feel so bad for wonwoo. It was a fit out of anger, and he immediately came to senses, but the the fact that eunyool came as the "winner" just feels wrong?? Idk. Do you guys feel this way too?? Tell me I'm not the only one

    Yo! Wha'ts up? September 1, 2023 12:37 pm

    lol now that I see the comments, I think the author deliberately made us think eunyool as a gasligjter. I thought I was just mirroring wonwoo or something hahahha